DMN4-4 Navigation Antenna System Frequency 108-122 MHz
(DAI Part# DMN4-4)
The DMN4-4 Antenna System has been designed to minimize bearing
errors in the reception of VOR and ILS signals. It provides considerably
more gain at the horizon (particularly during banks) than do fuselage
mounted "deerhorn" or "vee" antennas. It has substantially greater
discrimination against vertically polarized signals; and when properly
installed on helicopters, it provides much greater rejection of rotor
modulation than can be obtained with these other antennas. As a
result, it provides better signal to noise ratios and smaller errors than is
otherwise available.
The DMN4-4 Antenna consists of two (approximately semicircular)
center-fed half-loops and a cable harness. Because the DMN4-4 has
been designed specifically for light planes and helicopters, lightweight
rugged construction has been stressed. It is built of round magnesium
tubing and weighs only 2 pounds.
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