E-Z Nuts 2 1/4
(DAI Part# EZ214)
If you have ever installed instruments behind an aircraft panel, you probably swore at the guy who developed those clip-on "cage-type" instrument nuts. They can fall off when you push in the screw (and don't you love the clinking sound of a nut falling off behind the instrument and the resulting 15 minute search for the *!!!* nut?).
Clip-on nuts have a tendency to get out of alignment, strip out and cause radio interference (just kidding on the last one). Since the clip-on nuts come in 8 different sizes (determined by instrument flange thickness), the chances are slim that you will have all the needed sizes in stock. NOTE: Each EZ Nut comes with four 1 1/2" black stainless steel screws and for black nylon washers.
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