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58433-3 - AMP Pro-Crimper II Hand Tool
DAI Part# 58433-3
Crimps AMP PIDG & PLASTI-GRIP terminals and splices, and PIDG FASTEN terminals (disconnects). Multiple-cavity die set included for #22-18 (red), 16-14 (blue) and 12-10 (yellow) wire sizes.
58495-1 - AMP Pro-Crimper II Hand Tool
DAI Part# 58495-1
Die Set for Type III and VI contacts 28-16 GA CPC connectors included
59239-4 - AMP T-Head Ratcheted Hand Tool
DAI Part# 59239-4
Crimps PIDG terminals and splices and PLASTI-GRIP terminals wire size 12-10 AWG
59250 - AMP T-Head Ratcheted Hand Tool
DAI Part# 59250
Crimps PIDG terminals and splices and PLASTI-GRIP terminals wire size 22-14 AWG
59275 - AMP Crimp Tool Frame
DAI Part# 59275
Crimp Tool T-Head PIDG 20-26-AWG